Monday, September 8, 2008

West coast !

13th August 2008

Hey Everybody! How is it going?

Where should I start?

Right now, writing this, I am in Exmouth yet closer to Perth then to Broome.
It's the gateway to Australia’s biggest fringing reef.
I am here with the fair we having a show on the weekend.
Afterwards another one in Carnarvon.
It’s a wicked way traveling though since I get to see more then I would have, because I earn constantly money by working only a few days per week.
The work it self is ok, again something I would never have expected to do, but I am doing it.
So far I traveled with a couple of friends but Stephan left a week ago and Funny and Abel going back to Broome.
Really unfortunate news are that on the way from Tom Price to Exmouth, we or better I hit a roo!
We decided to drive at night, slowly though but we wanted to keep going since there are 600 Km distance in between. First we almost crashed in a bunch of cattle and just a few minutes after that, we did crash into a Wallaby.
It run right into the headlights nothing I could have possible done – except not being there at all. The worst is that we turned around to have a look and it wasn’t dead. No one could force himself to kill it – so we left…

The time is running here, I don’t know how it feels for you but for me time flies!
I am in Australia for more than half a year now that means I passed halftime without even recognizing it. Natural I start thinking about what comes next.
Well I had a plan or an idea better but now I want to create a winter escape plan.

That’s what I am working on in the moment and I want to travel in Europe for the summer next year but I am not yet sure what will come next…

The 1. Nov. comes closer and closer too, the date when my fam arrives in Down Under.
That’s it for now I am still in Exmouth exited about what comes next…

07.September 08

Hi Folks!

It’s time again for me to give some news…
First of course I’m interested in how you have been?
I’ve been good!

I just recently turned into 25! Quarter a century!
I guess I can legally get called old now. It’s shocking, it’s scary and it sounds absolute serious but in the end who gives a fuck???

Well, I left Broome happy and sad! Very sad!

God or Satan, I had a good time in Broome! Fuck yeah!!!

We Funny and I left Broome just before the end of July towards Port Headland where

we were going to join a fair aka carnival which was on it’s way down to Perth.

I got that job coincidental as life sometimes goes.

Friends from the campsite were making a party at the beach so just at the staircase to the moon, I randomly told people about it and one of them was Tia with her friends and she told me about that carnival.

She rang up her boss for me and so i got it and two month later that’s still my source of income.

So that was the new thing. I finished my pearling career and became a carni!

That way, traveling with the carnival we actually worked and traveled almost all the way down to Perth, a new show in a new town every weekend.

Beside setting up the Dodgem Track, trading and pulling everything down again at the end of the show ready to hit the road again in the morning - we had time to go to all these absolute stunning, gorgeous, perfect places along the coast and inland.

Starting with absolute magnificent Millstream Chichester NP,

which is located between Port Headland and Karatha where we had our first and second show.


Followed by the National Park of stunning Gorges - Karrijini NP - next to Tom Price.

The next show happened to be in Exmouth, which is the gateway to Cape Range NP and Australias biggest fringing Reef the Ningaloo Reef.


Farewell on the road at Miljana Roadhouse...

Our next destination was Carnavon.

Merry-go-around...and who is in charge???...That's right. Me!

Cliffs, Blow holes, Waves, Wales stunning nature just north of Carnarvon.

After that show we had time to explore Sharky Bay.

Most of shore and beaches at Sharky Bay are covered in millions and millions of white shells.

Further south Kalbarri NP.

I assume they didn't see it coming...

Pinnacle dessert north of Perth.

Well that in short was my trip down the west coast to Perth!

Perth gonna be my resident until beginning of October!

Just until the end of the Royal Show. That’s one big carnival the biggest in WA.

For me it means work for three week daily 12 hours. That's like fun don't you think.

I arrived on the 1st September just before my Birthday – better place to get pissed I figured.

The day after, I checked inn a hostel in town, where we got pretty fucking wasted

and as a result I got kicked out again next morning. Wicked as! My behavior!

Perth-City from Kings Park...

Anyways I slept a few nights in my car and stayed in a friends friends

house until the carnival arrived in Perth.

And no i live with them.

Yeah. That’s what’s going on.

I hug you all!!!

See ya kai………………….

…little thing to add

10th September - waking up in hospital

Well just three days ago from today I sat in Seimens house, friend of Stephan, friend of mine from the carnival writing what you read before and today the mentioned three days later I find myself in the Royal Perth Hospital.

What happened? Well it wasn’t a car accident or a bar fight or a overdoses.

I am here because of a simple infection, a nasty one though.

My middle finger started swelling all of a sudden and within one day my whole hand swelled up entirely. I went to a doctor of course, who gave me antibiotics but they didn’t help so it continued swelling. After a horrible following night I went do the Hospital and all they had to say was that it looked really fucking nasty and that I would have to stay.

So here I am waiting to get in the theater for an full anesthetic operation yeah!

New experience and so exiting!

Before I got in.

After the operation.

Alright that's it.
Today is the 15th September - birthday of Stephanie my sister in law!!!
..and my last holiday.
We start setting up for the big show tomorrow.
I send hugs to you all!!!
See Ya............................................................................................................................!