Sunday, January 27, 2008

TOUR 2008 !!!

...It has been a long time since I wrote the last time. I should have done…dam it!
I start when I made the final decision to join my brothers wedding.
I was in the far off north of Borneo just before I actually would have gone to the Philippines.
Instead of doing so I flu back to Kuala Lumpur, caught a train to visit my friend Roebi, the third time on this trip, this time in Pulau Perhentian.
We went diving together (photo below) it was a really cool goodbye from Asia although the actual farewell was in Bangkok. Five days of shopping. But it was worth it, because now I have a travel friend my Benq Notebook S31 or so!


Back in Berlin in fact back in Oberspree, this little place in Berlin-Treptow where I grew up,

it was so strange it felt like if I never had been gone.
How wired was that it were almost nine month abroad but it felt like a day.

How was Berlin than? I have been there three month.
I saw most of my friends most of my family most of the Mischpoke the Kindergarten I used to work for.
I spend Christmas and New Year here.
The best of all: I met so many new people. That was the first time in Berlin that I really met people from outside Germany in fucking Germany. I enjoyed it sooo much it made the time in Berlin so much more exiting and interesting as it would have been anyways …
Special thanxs to Ben, Richard and Toni which let me stay in there flat most of the time.
I cant tell how generous that was!!!

So many things happened in that time I cant even remember.
Mt brother is not just a daddy anymore now he is also a husband!
I saw the autumn met so many gorgeous old and new people so may colourfull pictures in my mind many blurry onces as well…


...while a gig of Supe Ben, Toni and Richard

WEDDING!!! My brother Denis my sister in law Steffie and my nephew Max!

Oberbaumbruecke in Kreuzberg!


Ireland was actually in the time I stayed in Berlin.
My good friend Kevin took my flat when I first traveled to Asia. Since he is a real nomad he decided to move to Dublin just two month after he moved in my place in Kreuzberg.
So I had to visit him there. I went there for a week accompanied by the very good people Richard and Toni.
That week was awesome.
We went to the west coast where we walked to the fantastic cliffs.
We went to amazing beaches saw the wide of small Ireland.
Kevin showed us this amazing place called Seomra Sraoi which apparently doesn’t exist anymore in central Dublin which is or was the own social center in the whole of Ireland.

It was a amazing week there!

the stunning wideness of Ireland....



Wicked! Just frigging wicked!

Not Bansky but still awesome.

Tom and me and beer...

Camden Town

Fucking pork scratchings! Hard to find something more disgusting!

View from Greenwhich.

Just piss between the CCTV!


Stunning amazing impressive.
First of all impressive this city build one a mountainous island full of skyscrapers – bustling and it all works you wonder how and who controls all this city life.
A big working chaos .. so much action...on so tiny space.
This is for sure the climax of my on the way to Australia city tour. Now after I saw like a couple of bigger towns around, I know that I prefer the European once. There are simply less crazy and more provincial as in Asia
Here you can see what possibly could be the future like in a science fiction movie some how maybe a bit exaggerated but for me it feels like that. I wonder what this place must have been just a hundred or maybe fifty years ago...

It is unbelievable how humans could make this place look like that ..absolutely impressive and wow!

...the every nights light and lasershow of incredibly HongKong skyline

...mostly covered in either fog or smog

the quietness of the sunset in the loudness of the city

bamboo and cable clips the way of building houses in China

Worship Buddha


Petronas Towers



Anonymous said...

ey alter, wie laeufts in aussiland? kannst ja ma wieder was berichten! gehts dir gut? biste am traveln oder haste schon ne bleibe? wie schmecken denn eigentlich kaenguruhs? und haste schon nen bumerang geworfen? freue mich auf deinen naexten eintrag.
in hellersdorf alles beim alten, geburtstagsparty steht an und wochenende hangar...:)))
also, lass was hoeren von dir. alles gute